Chief Kim Riley of the FL DOC, Substance Abuse Programs, has sent the FPA the following message reference PCSOT Examiners:
"The Bureau of Substance Abuse Program Services is in receipt of your e-mail below. In a method to improve the quality of treatment of sex offenders, ALL NEW CONTRACTS for outpatient sex offender treatment will require the contractor to utilize a polygrapher CERTIFIED by the Florida Polygraph Association. In addition, this will be required for ALL APPROVED NON-CONTRACTED THERAPIST who has expressed an interest in providing sex offender treatment to the Department's offenders. The model contracts will require the contractor to be a member of the Florida Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers and/or a member of other national professional organizations that are recognized in this treatment field."
The above statement was from Kim Riley on August 18, 2008 and sent to FPA Vice President Wade Moss via e-mail.